But while
we all generally agree on the importance of customer experience, it's one of
those things that's easy to say and hard to do. Not all companies are able to
get full grip of this new concept. You see, the companies that get it right
exhibit certain behaviors—behaviors that don't happen by accident.
In this
article we're going to explore this topic in depth, we will look at the
patterns and exemplars of exceptional customer experience leadership. I want to
share with you the three overarching patterns of the most successful customer
experience programs. Think of
it as an iron triangle, where three mutually interdependent, mutually
reinforcing investments propel your customer experience ambitions forward.
The best
customer experience programs are:
1) Initiated
by leadership.
beyond executive sponsorship alone, customer experience programs require
senior-most executive ownership. Initiatives that lack executive
ownership will likely wither on the vine. As Mercedes Benz USA CEO Steve Cannon
once said, customer experience must be nothing less than the number-one c-level
conversation. Otherwise, it simply won't get the attention it deserves.
2) Activated
by incentives.
We're all
coin operated. While customer experience may be a visible mandate handed down
from the c-suite, company-wide behaviors won't manifest in any systematic way
without the incentives to drive them forward. Incentives activate behaviors,
the behaviors flow where the incentives go.
3) Reinforced
by culture.
The top
performing organizations celebrate both the customer and the employee.
Companies that forget this crucial second part rarely get the emotional buy in
necessary to consistently walk the talk on the front lines. The highest
performing companies recognize and celebrate exceptional customer-centered
behaviors and they empower employees to use both their heads and the hearts to make
the right decisions for their customers in the moments that count.
While there's a lot that goes into any successful customer experience
program, aligning your efforts to these three basic forces will dramatically
improve your odds of getting customer experience right for your
company and help your business to thrive.
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