Saturday, July 11, 2015

Your Guide to Make a Viral Real Estate Marketing Video

Real Estate Marketing
Buying or selling a home involves a lot of emotional and subjective decisions. There is no doubt that real estate video marketing is one of the best techniques to appeal to the emotional, subjective factors that come with just about every transaction.

Just like any other form of marketing though, poor video marketing methods can turn off a buyer or seller just as quickly as it reels them in.

In this article, we're going to provide some useful tips on how to make a viral real estate video that can attract more buyers and sellers for your business.

Let's start by putting a definition for viral real estate video marketing. Viral videos are not just amateur videos of cats doing funny things or parodies of pop songs. Actually, some of the best viral videos have been professionally produced by real estate companies in an effort to reach their audience in a different way.

A viral video is one that creatively promotes a property, real estate company and/or realtor by using relevant content that draws attention and encourages viewers to want to share it with others.

So the question is what makes a real estate video go viral all over the web?

Viral videos, especially in what can sometimes be a very conservative industry, need to be made up of one, or most, of the following characteristics to achieve popularity.

For real estate videos to go viral they should be:

§  Funny.

One of the easiest ways to get a video to go viral is to make it funny. The tricky part though is figuring out what funny is to your target audience. There's nothing worse than a video that tries to be funny, but is either tasteless or way off the mark so make sure you know your audience well.

§  Creative.

The best way to tell if you have something creative is when someone else sees it and says "I wish I did that". Creativity is respected in just about every social circle and can do a fantastic job at getting viewers more interested in you.

§  Short.

If you go through some of the most viral videos on YouTube you will notice that most of them are less than 5 minutes long. Viral videos spread quickly due in large part to the fact that most of them are easy to digest and watch multiple times. We normally don't view videos that are longer than 10 minutes; so always keep that in mind.

§  Memorable.

You know you're video has gone viral when people start referring to it by name. There's no better current example of this than "Gangnam Style" with over 240 million views and 2.4 million likes this catchy, memorable music video has already become one of the most viral videos of all time.

Here are some of our top tips to help you get there:

§  Craft your video according to your target audience by using the proper language, content and humor.

§  Upload your video to a social platform like YouTube or Vimeo so you, and your viewers, can easily share and interact with it.

§  Give it a descriptive and memorable title.

§  Keep your company branding and logos to just subtle references.

§  Don't use annoying ads or captions.

§  Optimize it for increased organic search value to drive even more traffic to it.

§  Use social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn to get your video in front of your potential customers.

9 top viral real estate video ideas.

The main challenge when creating a real estate marketing video is coming up with the initial concept. This being the case, we thought we would get your creative juices flowing by providing you with a list of 10 ideas to start you off:

1) Produce a professional looking short movie of a luxury property.

2) Parody a popular commercial.

3) Record a prank that shows your company's light side, but also displays its knowledge of a property or an area.

4) Use a video to explain the history of a property or area.

5) Get a video testimonial from a celebrity client.

6) Start a web video series about your job; e.g. "A day in the life of a real estate agent".

7) Make a montage of some of the most hideous properties you've ever been asked to list.

8) Re-enact funny or memorable situations you've experienced as a realtor.

9) Provide a useful tour of a neighborhood that other websites would want (like travel sites, visitor centers, etc).

Remember that your viral real estate videos should serve one primary purpose to create business for you. If you get caught up in the possibility of YouTube fame and lose sight of generating business, then you will probably never see a return on your investment. So try the tips and ideas above to start creating effective real estate videos that have a chance to go viral.

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