Friday, August 7, 2015

3 Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

There is no doubt that the majority of marketing managers, experts, consultants and coaches are multitalented, passionate and can see through their creative endeavors.

They are constantly thinking outside the box creating new ideas that enrich today's business. In this industry they usually face a unique set of challenges, which unfortunately leads to 3 common mistakes they tend to make in marketing their businesses - whether they are just starting out, or have been in business for a while but just can't seem to hit the bull's eye.

In this article I'm going to address these 3 mistakes, analyze the reasons behind them and provide the solution.

1) Lack cohesive message.

For those creative spirits, they are bursting with new ideas all the time. Most coaches are always learning and improving themselves, adding new skills and tools to their arsenal. When new ideas, skills, tools and experiences come together, magic just happens.

However, if they don't have a way to communicate all these epic ideas with a cohesive message, they often appear like a Jack-of-all-trades.

When they lack focus about their expertise and niche, they have a tendency to go on and on and on when talking about what they do for their clients, until their readers, audience or potential clients just glaze over.


Find the golden thread that ties all your conviction, superpowers, passions, talents, experience and skills so you can weave them into one and only one cohesive message that is unique to you.

2) Failure to connect.

Many coaches I work with do really well when they are making connections in person. However, when it comes to written marketing materials, they hit a wall. Their copy and content not only fail to make a meaningful connection with their ideal clients, but also miss the mark in connecting them with their life's work.

The communications do not strike a cord for them, resulting in misaligned energy, and lack of excitement that do not serve in attracting ideal clients. Instead, they constantly worry if they are "saying it right," putting a break on fully expressing their personality and conviction.

Moreover, they have taken trainings and programs, and sitting on a bunch of templates and checklists that led them to using generic words too superficial to connect with their audience personally and emotionally. They silenced their own voice, trying to sound "right".

They use buzzwords or jargons that are devoid of meaning and make them sound like everyone else. They stuff themselves into the copywriting box because of their fears of not being good enough, of being criticized or judged by their peers or customers (which leads to conformity) and that of missing out.


Get personal, get emotional. Find the words that make you tick. Get into the psyche of your ideal clients to understand what they need to know in order to work with you.

3) Unfitting marketing plan.

We take trainings and programs with the good intention to further our businesses. But so often we grab a strategy here and a tactic there, then string them together without considering how they come together holistically and synergistically so they talk to each other and put us in the best light possible.

As a result, I see many coaches doing a lot of busywork and chasing bright shiny objects wasting their time, energy and money. They got themselves into marketing activities that don't tap into their business or executing tactics that don't resonate with their value.

The misaligned energy behind the actions is not attractive to clients, and the fact that they are dragging their feet just sour the whole perception about marketing.


Having a plan is good for business. Instead of getting caught in the "how it should look like", consider how your plan is going to help you cut the busywork and do want truly matters.

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